Five Ways to Prioritize His Health During National Men’s Health Month

June 27, 2023

Did you know men are up to 50% less likely to seek medical attention than women? 

Reluctance to seek treatment can lead to serious diagnoses and shorter lifespans – prognoses that can be avoided with the proper preventive measures.

Whether the special man in your life is your father, grandfather, or friend, it is important to encourage him to prioritize his health. Here are five tips on how your loved one in long term care can focus on his health this National Men’s Health Month: 

1. Encourage regular checkups

Regular checkups are essential for early detection and prevention of health issues in men. Shockingly, in a Harris Poll survey for the American Academy of Family Physicians, 90% of men do not seek care or advice right away but wait before seeking treatment. 

Seeing a doctor is critical for older men, and regular checkups are crucial to their health. You can help your loved one by scheduling appointments or providing transportation. 

Keeping in contact with your loved one’s long term care facility and checking in on their wellness can help ensure they stay healthy.

2. Emphasize implementing sunscreen in their daily routine

Sunscreen is an essential component for your loved one’s daily routine. Melanoma, a preventable skin cancer, is the most diagnosed cancer in the U.S.

More than 40% of melanomas are diagnosed in patients older than 65 years, which is why it is essential to talk with those close to you, like your fathers, brothers, and friends in LTC, about using SPF 15 sunscreen daily to reduce their risk of melanoma. 

3. Prioritize a healthy diet

Good nutrition is crucial for your loved one’s overall health. A healthy diet boosts energy, helps maintain a healthy weight, and prevents diseases. Many long term care communities offer nutritional guidance to ensure they are eating healthy and getting the needed nutrients. In our March blog, you can learn more about prioritizing nutrition in your loved one’s life. 

4. Encourage physical activity

For adults 65 and older, getting at least 150 minutes a week of physical activity is recommended. Physical activity is one of the most important things your loved one can do for his health, as it can improve brain health and the ability to do everyday activities. 

Many long term care communities offer wellness and fitness programs for residents to participate in. If your loved one’s long term care facility offers these programs, encourage them to attend a class or event. 

Check out these sample weekly schedules of physical activity your loved one can try.

5. Provide support

Going to a doctor’s appointment or making changes to long-established routines can be challenging for some men. Your support can make a significant difference. Help your loved one find the right doctors to visit, accompany them to appointments to ask questions or discuss concerns, assist with daily tasks like eating or managing medications, and find a physical activity you can enjoy together.

By following these tips and showing support, you can help the special man in your life prioritize his health and well-being. Caring for oneself is essential to leading a happy and fulfilling life. For more information about Men’s Health Month, visit